Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vulcano Tracking - Merapi will cite this as a Tour Package

Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) mewacanakan to develop tourism "Vulcano tracking" around the slopes of Mount Merapi.

There is a proposal to create a new tourist package tracking `ie` Vulcano around Merapi, "said Secretary of Director General of Tourism Destination Development Kemenbudpar, Winarno Sudjas, here on Sunday.

He said it states welcomed the proposal and are ready to train local guides of youth in the region of Yogyakarta to be trained and educated as a tour guide Vulcano.

According to him, the discourse is very potential to become a new attraction to bring tourists a special interest as well as a pioneering attempt to restore tourism pascaletusan Yogyakarta Merapi.

"With the development of this tourism, the souvenir stalls` `, lodging, and tourism support facilities will begin to squirm, so the real sector in Yogyakarta will recover soon," said Winarno.

To start the plan, he said, there must be commitment from all sectors including tourism actors around Merapi. "After all our new ready to go in and set up training," he said.

It also will attempt to convince prospective investors to participate fix Yogyakarta tourism.

Winarno said it has begun to discuss the plan of special interest tourism packages with the actors of tourism in Yogyakarta.

But during the emergency response as now all the stakeholders are still in the stage of data collection. "So we're still waiting to be able to develop tour packages Vulcano trail or tour packages which presents aspects of the dramatic eruption of Merapi," he said.

Package tours also are being contemplated in Yogyakarta tourism actors to change the type of models including the original package "outbound" to tour packages that highlight aspects of education.

For example, Vulcano tours for school children to show them on any material contained in a volcano. "We believe this Yogya creative community that is expected to create an innovative tour packages

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