Monday, June 29, 2009

Pause for Contemplation

After an 8 month hiatus from blogging and displayed work of any kind the site will now be continuing :

So Hello if you are new to the site and welcome back if you are returning just like me.I hope to wrap up the site over the next few months and finish the introduction to the now long awaited book of the same name as the blog.

If you have sent me any pre-orders don't worry they are securely logged in a separate folder in my e-mail inbox and i have not forgotten you.


And so for now i will leave by saying thank you to all the people who have shown interest , invited me to speak and shown support or backing in any way whatsoever!!. Your help , focus and intent has been massively appreciated and has obviously inspired me to continue with all of the material and possible future projects.

My thanks also go out to my family and friends , my partner in crime Jessica and last but by no means least my two furry friends , the cats named Kee-cae and Tamu - Your patience with me and willingness to put up with my conversation and incessant observation has been one of the main aspects in helping me along on my own journey


The above video is a documentary released in 2008 - Narrated and written by Terrence Mckenna I enjoyed it immensley and hope you do to.

much love

Daniel J.Tatman

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